Many first time buyers, or perhaps buyers moving out to the
country for the first time, encounter something that they have little or no
idea about – a septic system. Many people have lived their entire lives in
cities of communities that have sewer systems. They never worried about where
things went when they flushed the toilet, nor did they concern themselves about
hiring someone to come pump out a huge tank in their back yard. If they had any
notion of a septic system maybe it was from watching the 2000 movie
Meet the Parents, which probably didn’t leave a favorable
impression about septic fields.
So, now they are looking at houses out in the country a bit
and seeing the terms Well and Septic on the listing ticket. What’s that all
about? Should you be concerned if you see that? Am I buying a time bomb? The
short answer is NO, you need not be overly concerned; but you should take the
time to educate yourself about these waste disposal systems and what that means
in terms of your responsibilities.
A septic system performs the same functions as the sewer
system, just at a much smaller scale and much more close to home. Everything
that goes down a drain in the house or is flushed down a toilet has to go
somewhere and has to be dealt with somehow. In settings with sewer systems your
house is hooked with pipes to much larger pipes that carry all of the waste
water from all sources in your house (and every other house around you) to a
central waste treatment plant somewhere. You really don’t care where that is
at; unless, perhaps, you happen to live right next door to it. At the waste treatment
plant the waste from thousands of homes is treated with chemicals and natural
bacteria in huge ponds. The bacteria are there to breakdown and digest the
solids in the waste water. Eventually the clean
water that results is released into stream or lakes.

Individual septic systems perform the same functions, just
underground and right out in your back or side yard. The waste water from your house flows into a
large tank (called a septic tank, which is named thus because the water and
waste that flows into it is septic - infected with bacteria) usually of 1000
gallons of more. The septic bacteria came mostly from you, but that’s likely
more than you really want to know. Anyway
the septic tank provides a place where good bacteria can work on the solids in
the waste water to break then down and digest them. The solids tend to settle
to the bottom, providing a smorgasbord for bottom-feeding bacteria. Some remain
suspended in the water which is directed out of the tank and into the septic
field. The septic field is a series of pipes with holes in them that are buried
several feet underground. The holes let the water escape out into the soil
where other good and hungry bacteria digest whatever is in the water for them
to eat.
A well designed and properly installed septic field can last
for a very long time, if it is also well maintained. However, they are not
necessarily design to last forever. A study of septic systems published in 2013
by Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) via a grant from the NYS Water Resources
Institute with funds provided by the NY State, had this advice.
Most septic systems
will fail eventually. These systems are designed to have a useful life of 20 to
30 years under the best conditions. Older septic tanks with concrete or metal parts
degrade over time. Eventually the soil in the drain field becomes clogged with
organic material. Many other factors can cause the system to fail well before
the end of its “natural” lifespan. Pipes blocked by roots, soils saturated by
high water tables, crushed distribution pipes, improper location, poor original
design, or poor installation can all lead to major problems. The most common
reasons for early failure are misuse or inadequate maintenance by homeowners.
When a system is not pumped regularly, solids build up in the septic tank, then
flow into the drain field and clog it.
Symptoms of Septic
System Failure –
draining sinks, bathtubs and toilets.
emergence of wastewater
Lush green
grass over the drain field, even during dry weather
nitrite, or coliform bacteria in your well water
An excellent
by Mila Ready outlines the main reasons that septic systems fail. The bottom
line is abuse or neglect (or both) by the owner. One of the more common things
that I see in my little patch of the world is people overloading their septic
system by having more people in the house than the system was designed to
handle. When the developer lays out the plans for developments that will have
septic systems associated with each house they have very specific guidelines
about how many bedrooms the house should have given the proposed size of the
septic field. The idea is that a three-bedroom house will house maybe four or
five residents with their waste byproducts. Some developers then build houses
with “bonus rooms” that they sell with a wink of the eye as the fourth bedroom.
Sometimes owners just add bedrooms through add-ons or converting spaces in
basements or elsewhere into bedrooms.
The result is a house with 5-people in it, all contributing to the waste
going into a septic system that was design to handle 3-4 residents. He system
gets overwhelmed and fails.
The other things that I see a lot is poor or no
maintenance of septic systems. Many sellers tell me that they don’t even
remember that last time that they had the septic tank pump out. Why is that
important? Well, eventually the solids can build up to the near the top of the
tank and get into the pipes that make up the field and clog them up. The other
thing that can happen is that the field itself gets “clogged” with solids and
can drain away the liquids, so they eventually come to the surface. Remember
the scene from Meet the Parents when the main character was driving through the
soggy, failed septic field – yuck.
Going all the way back to the headline question; perhaps
you are buying a time bomb, if you don’t pay any attention to this very
important system. You should have the septic tanks pumped out every 2-3 years
and many will also recommend not putting normal kitchen waste down a garbage
disposal. In fact, most country homes were built without disposals to begin
with. Some of the solid kitchen waste that you might put into the septic system
by grinding them up in an in-sink disposal just don’t “digest” the way that
other waste matter does and can clog the system up. Animal fats and meats are
particularly bad for the system.
If the septic system fails due to a clogged field, there
are companies that profess to have remedies that you can introduce into the
system to clean it out (here are links to two of them –
Think of them as super hungry bacteria that get in there and eat everything
they hit. Most septic companies would
probably disagree with that and still recommend replacing the whole system.;
however, replacing a septic system can cost $8-15,000 (more if it is an
engineered field). Hope springs eternal, so maybe trying one of those modern
biotech solutions first is worth the few hundreds that they may cost. Of course,
the best solution is not to have a failed system in the first place, so regular
maintenance is still the lowest cost approach. You can get on the right track
by insisting that the septic be pumped out as a condition of your purchase
So, you don’t have to fear the septic like a ticking time
bomb, but you do need to be mindful of its ability to blow up in your face, if
you don’t take care of it. Set up a regular maintenance inspection and pump out
with a local septic company to remain flushed with pride about your home.
Norm Werner is a full-time Realtor® working under the
Real Estate One brokerage in Milford, Michigan. For more about Norm visit his
web site –