
Monday, February 8, 2010

Hope srings eternal...

“Hope may play traitor at times, but she is so agreeable that we forgive her offences for the sake of her company.” (Minna Thomas Antrim) from the Jack’s Winning Words Blog. Minna wrote those words over 100 years ago, yet they are still relevant today. Every now and then hope lets us down, as I’m sure the Indianapolis Colts fans would agree this morning; however, the warm embrace of hope is always preferable to the cold despair of having no hope.

These days keeping hope alive is one of our biggest jobs as Realtorsâ and we have multiple clients for that task. We must work hard to give hope to sellers that they can find a buyer in this down market. We keep hope alive in young buyers as they troop through shabby foreclosed house after house looking for that perfect bargain. And, we must spend time each day re-invigorating our own hopes and dreams as Realtors (sometimes that is the biggest challenge of all).

The nice thing about hope is that it is a lot like faith. In fact, perhaps hope and faith are part and parcel of each other. Certainly one cannot have faith without also having the hope of all that faith promises. Likewise, hope for success in business is based upon faith in ourselves; the belief that if we continue to do the right things success will follow. Those who cut corners or abandon their integrity seeking short cuts to success may appear to be happy in the short run, but eventually their moral bankruptcy catches up with them and they are left without any true sense of accomplishment or pride.

So let us start a new week by embracing hope anew and re-dedicating ourselves to working hard and doing the right things. I’m sure that Minna would have also liked these words by Fleetwood Mac:

Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow,
Don’t stop it’ll be here soon,
It’ll be better than before,
Yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone.

I’ll bet that is the song of the day in Indianapolis.

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