
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Not too fast, not too slow...just right!

“Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.” (Wyatt Earp) – from the blog Jack’s Winning Words. Go there to find out who said this first in the 4th Century BC.

If Wyatt Earp had been a Realtor those words would have served him well, too. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the “Time is of the essence” nature of real estate that we lose focus on the need for accuracy. There is another saying that applies from the traffic enforcement people – “Speed kills” – that may apply to real estate transactions, too.  

There is certainly nothing wrong with making sure that things move along at an expeditious pace; however, all too often pushing things along too fast results in something being overlooked or not done properly. Sometimes the things that get messed up because of going too fast can be easily corrected, perhaps an Addendum that wasn’t signed or some other documentation issue. However, sometimes rushing to get a deal closed can result in overlooking something serious that you just didn’t have time to check out properly. Usually that’s something that you assumed someone else was responsible to check and they didn’t. (Making assumptions is a bigger potential problem than excess speed)

These days it’s not unusual to hear complaints about how slow the mortgage approval process has become, even on conventional mortgages; however, there’s a hidden benefit to that slowdown. It has afforded all of us more time to make sure that the rest of the process is done accurately. How many Realtors use that extra time to make sure that things are being done accurately is what separates the really good agents from the rest. It’s not how fast you can make mistakes; it is how few mistakes you make that matters.

So, call me about your real estate needs. I’ll handle things as fast as is accurately possible.

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