
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Is it covered?

The recent severe downpour left lots of people with flooded basements and maybe leaking roofs. It also left them with the ringing question...

If you have..


There are 11 initial causes of damage that are covered –

Fire                                                      Lightning

Explosion                                            Windstorm or hail

Smoke                                                            Aircraft or vehicles

Riot or civil commotion                       Vandalism

Sprinkler leakage                                Sinkhole collapse

Volcanic action

Read your policy because carriers can limit or exclude how the coverage applies.


The 11 above listed causes as well as 3 more covered–

Falling objects                                     Weight of ice, sleet or snow

Accidental water damage

Carriers have a duty to include coverage on this form.  If it is not included, it is not covered.


Also known as “all risk.”

However, there are numerous exclusions which can include government action, nuclear hazard, war and military action, water damage (flood), fungus and pollution. 

Carriers have a duty to specifically exclude coverage.

Remember, when a carrier is processing your claim, they will always go back to the original cause of the claim. If the roof leaks and it is due to wear and tear, it is not covered. However, if it was hit by lightning and caused the flooding inside the home, the original cause is lightning and it is covered.

The content for this post provided by Annette White, Insurance Consultant for the Insurance One Agency. Contact Annette at 248-795-9152.

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