
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Make it possible...

From the Jack’s Winning Words blog comes this little bit of inspirational thinking - “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible!’’” (Audrey Hepburn)

I like Hepburn’s line of thinking. It is directing you away from pondering the seemingly impossible things in life and towards using your imagination and intelligence to instead think of all of the things that you might do to make it possible. To my way of thinking, it is a much better use of your time.

If you start with the positive attitude that all things are possible, some perhaps more difficult than others, but still possible; then you can direct your creative juices towards finding that possible solution. I suspect that a lot of things don’t get done in life because the people involved were too content to believe that they are impossible, so why try. Some may know that they are possible, but have decided that the effort is not worth the reward – it’s possible but too hard. Still others may just be satisfied with the “moral victory” by thinking to themselves - “ I know I could do it if I wanted to.”  What a hollow victory that is.

There have been all sorts of management books written about how to manage your time or tackle big projects by breaking them down into smaller tasks. Underlying all of that good advice is the premise that you don’t look at the day ahead or the task at hand and just say it’s impossible.  You have to start with the view of life that Audrey Hepburn had – nothing is impossible.

How do you tackle the impossible in your life?

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