
Friday, January 11, 2013

Stay in the moment - focus upon today...

From the Jack’s Winning Words blog comes this piece of advice - “I think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the year’s.” (Henry Moore). Jack went on to write - This week I came across a SMART way (by Kelly Olin) to make and keep resolutions. S=Be Specific. M=Be Motivated. A=Make it Action-oriented. R=Be Realistic. T= Make it Timely.

Olin’s advice is surely applicable to real estate sales. While it is always good to have long term goals and plans, it can sometimes be depressing to focus upon how few of those plans might have been achieved thus far in the year, especially in January. Since almost all good plans are based upon being able to see the year-long goals as an aggregation of monthly, weekly and even daily goals; it is much better to focus on the work needed to achieve today’s goals than to worry about the overall goals.

If your plan is based upon understanding the numbers game that is real estate sales, then you’ll have some daily numbers somewhere in that plan that you can focus upon today – the number of prospecting calls that you must make in order to get the number of appointments that you need in order to get the number of new listings that are required to give you the opportunity of making the number of sales that will support the amount of money that you want to make.

The fact is that the number of whatever it is that is required today to meet your overall goal is the only thing that you can commit to work on today. So you can take Olin’s list and start with those tasks as the Specific things that you are committing to do. Then give yourself that little Motivational pep talk about getting started. Lay out your Action plan for accomplishing the tasks at hand and be Realistic about the time and effort it will take. Finally get to it – make it Timely, like now.

If you can think and act in those terms each day’s work will seem less daunting, but over time each day’s work will add to the achievement of the year’s goals.

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