
Sunday, August 12, 2007

Staring at my green dot

Real estate sales can be a frustrating business, especially if you're like me and don't deal particularly well with rejection. Unfortunately, rejection is a big part of the landscape in the real estate scene. There are opportunities for rejection at every turn from the prospecting phase through listing or signing up buyers and certainly during the sales process itself.

It was because of the endless possibilities for rejection that a wise, older manager that I had at my first company tried to teach everyone who came into real estate to be able to just say "So What!" to every rejection. So, what! I'm still here; a FSBO slamming the door in my face (or the prospect hanging up on the phone) didn't kill me. So, what! That's not the last deal/listing/buyer in the world; there will be others. It was his way of coping with the daily rejections that come with the territory.

My new manager is more into the new age stuff - zen, yoga, the power of positive thinking and the like - so she had us all go through a yoga coping exercise recently, where we assumed a yoga position and stared intently at a small green dot on the wall. The idea is to focus on the dot and empty your mind of the things that are troubling you and causing stress, which could have to do with rejection or anything else in life.

Later I got this idea to combine the two, sort of a yoga meets the old guru approach and I came up with my own little "So What" green dot. It works for me. You can try my dot or create you own, but it is important if your in the real estate business to have some coping mechanism to deal with the pressures and/or rejections that come with the territory. Let me know what you use to cope with issues in your life.

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